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I’m not quite 100% yet but I am ready to get you excited about the week ahead! Tonight there are 2 events worth considering. First, my dear friend B is part of a very exciting lineup at Beauty Bar tonight! The honorable judges Gant and Eugene Tambourine will be presiding over a disco and house-centric dance floor, so go out and get your groove on; it’s the best way to start the week!

Tenderheads Poster

Tenderheads Poster

Also tonight Slice Magazine is hosting a Literary Trivia Showdown at Dixon Place:

To celebrate the launch of our fourth issue, Slice is hosting its first annual Literary Trivia Showdown. Three teams of five authors, five editors, and five agents will go head-to-head to see who knows the most about the literary realm.

English majors unite!

On Tuesday, I may head down to the Seaport to check out the new musical based on the (in)famous DSM IV Manual of the American Psychiatric Association, which I mentioned to you some time ago. ‘Crazy Head Space’ is about half way through its run; don’t miss your chance to check out the madness!

For less umm… absurd music, check out Micachu and the Shapes tomorrow at Death by Audio in Williamsburg.

If you want to dance to an older tune you can kick up your heels at Swing46, where George Gee and the Jump Jivin’ Wailers will be throwing a Swinging Big Band Dance Party.

On Wednesday B will be spinning out at Hugs; he’s by his lonesome this week so there will be nonstop happy dance music.

Thursday is opening night for the Folding Chair Classical Theater; they will be presenting a very unique version of Shakespeare’s Pericles:

Folding Chair veteran James Arden (“30 Rock”, “Kings”, “Flight of the Concords”) will play Pericles. The rest of the play’s 30-plus roles will be played by five of Folding Chair’s ensemble players (Lisa Blankenship, Gowan Campbell, Francine Margolis, Josh Thelinand Larry Giantonio). They will switch roles at lightning speed, performing on a bare stage, using only their voices, bodies and the text to bring the play to life.

Also on Thursday you can experience a reading series in a very new and different setting- a laundromat!

Gregory Beyer, Itzak Saki Knafo, and Caroline H. Dworin, three regulars in the pages of the New York Times’ City Section will share their most hilarious, nail biting tales from their days scouring the city for stories. These journalists walk through caution tape, find hidden doors, gleefully pick through trash, and always have a flask; all for the love of the story. What better place to hear their tales too outrageous for the Old Gray Lady than a Lower East Side Laundromat. Bring your laundry and the producers will provide quarters, detergent, and stain removal advice gratis. You won’t loose your shirt (no guarantee on the socks) on this one.

Dirty Laundry Reading Series

Dirty Laundry Reading Series

ALSO on Thursday… If you are Sports inclined (I am not at all but am aware that other people seem to enjoy watching/participating in them), you should check out 12 Angry Mascots – NYC’s Only Sports Comedy Variety Talk Show. One of the Raspberry Brothers is part of the act, which is an excellent sign in my book. The show also features Comedy Central’s Liam McEneaney, Last Comic Standing’s Iliza Shlesinger, and NY Jet’s All-Pro safety KERRY RHODES.

I also want to make a couple of early weekend announcements. On Saturday you can enjoy an evening of Jazz, absinthe and champagne infused chocolate at Antik.

Wit's End Party

Wit's End Party

This month the Wit’s End Party, a fabulous soiree worth buying that new dress for, will also include music from the Red Hook Ramblers and handmade chocolates from Chocolats Meurens.

Finally, I am thrilled to announce that the Tiny Ninja Theater will be performing Treasure Island this Sunday at the Bowery Poetry Club. This show will be markedly different from their usual productions but I am certain that these talented performers will come up with some very unique and exciting ways of telling this classic adventure story.

Have a great week and stay tuned for additions!

NOTE: The Big Red Apple is now

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Having spent the day sleeping, making myself grilled cheese and dancing around naked in my apartment to Passion Pit (thank god my roommate is never home), I believe I am prepared to survive the week on 5 hours of sleep a night!

On Monday, according to The New York Rock Market, the show to go to is Nous Non Plus @ Mercury Lounge. As a francophile anything described as

a (faux) French rock band that plays upbeat, joyous tunes ranging from simple love songs in French to parodies about Paris Hilton.

is pretty much ok by me. I’ve picked up two tickets and the first person to tell me they want to come along can have the second!

Tuesday is my grandmother’s 84th birthday so I’ll be out in Queens attempting to fit a giant sized sandwich into my mouth at Ben’s Kosher Deli, however, you may be interested in attending Pop Rally at MOMA. I really like the idea of artists as curators and I’ve been meaning to attend one of these for some time. Actually if you don’t have a day job (ex-investment banker?) you should get to the museum before it closes for the day and check out the Marlene Dumas exhibit; I saw it a few weeks ago and I really liked ‘High Heeled Shoes’

High Heeled Shoes by Marlene Dumas

High Heeled Shoes by Marlene Dumas

Wednesday I’m going to the new 92Y Tribeca for You’re Doing It Wrong: Creative Misuse of Technology, a series of short films featuring ummm… creative misuse of technology. I will probably always love the 92Y Tribeca because that is where I first saw Tiny Ninja Theater. I saw tiny ninjas perform ‘Romeo and Juliet’ and it was without a doubt the most hysterical Shakespeare I have ever witnessed.

"Hold, Tybalt! Good Mercutio!"  Mercutio (Trevor Bigfoot) vs. Tybalt (Brice Leigh)

"Hold, Tybalt! Good Mercutio!" Mercutio (Trevor Bigfoot) vs. Tybalt (Brice Leigh)

When the puppeteer walked in holding two white boxes (like the kind you get munchkins in from Dunkin Donuts) and said “Two households, both alike in dignity…” I knew my understanding of Shakespeare had changed forever.

Thursday I will probably try to see one of the Oscar movies I haven’t made it to yet; top of my list is Waltz with Bashir, which I’ve heard is fantastic. What I’d really love to do is check out one of the two photography exhibits I’ve been meaning to see but the museums aren’t open late enough for office lemmings to make it during the week. I want to see the new Walker Evans exhibit at the Met:

Walker Evans Postcard Exhibit @ Met

Walker Evans Postcard Exhibit @ Met

I also really want to get over to the International Center of Photography to check out some of the amazing photographs discussed in the NYTimes recently, for example, this one:

Tim Walker photograph

Tim Walker photograph

Friday I’ll be at Grassroots Tavern celebrating my friend S’s birthday but I want you to tell me all about your plans in case we need an awesome afterparty!

Have a fantastic week everyone!

Past Shenanigans

May 2024