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President’s Day weekend is now upon us and those of us who have off on Monday have lots of options for how to spend our 3 days of freedom. Here are the ideas that are top of my list:

Friday Night:

I’m only going to recommend one event tonight because this is the only event you should even consider. When Michael T hosts a party you simply must go. This is the man who did the best cover at the Bowie Ball. The man who wears tuxedos and face powder. The man who inspires a cult following of hipsters and party people. The man who hosts regular panty parties. Tonight he’ll be at APT hosting “The Horrific Return of Tattler.” My friend Fucci will be spinning and if you tell them at the door that you’re there for Fucci the cover is only $5. Be there. Be fabulous.

Michael T

Michael T

Saturday Daytime:

Your first challenge on Saturday, if you aren’t planning something romantic, is to find a good brunch spot that also isn’t planning something romantic. I am the queen of brunch, it is my favorite meal, not to mention a NYC institution. K and I will be having a lovely platonic brunch at Elizabeth, which boasts not only a delicious brunch menu but also a year-round garden.

Elizabeth's Garden

Elizabeth's Garden

You can also check out those of my favorite brunch spots that have not succumbed to the madness:

  • Jane– charming, classic, the Eggs Benedict is lust worthy.
  • 5 Points– mmm… pitchers of bloody marys!
  • Resto– Belgian beer and Belgian waffles and Belgian chocolate

Post-brunch I recommend checking out some of the amazing vintage stores in the LES; with every non-single person otherwise occupied you’ll have the 60s bell-bottoms and 50s heels all to yourselves. New York Magazine has this (fairly) comprehensive LIST. I particularly recommend Yumi Kim for a good mix of old and new.

Saturday Night:

I would like to make one addition to my previous post, file this under “Angry Events;” the Warehouse Party at Refuge will be a “Valentine’s Day Riot” including Brooklyn’s own Theophilus London live, the sexy Roxy Cottontail and the totally rad Dances With White Girls. As if that wasn’t enough there will also be an enticing kissing booth, live performance art and installations by The Lowbrow Society for the Arts, true bittersweet candy hearts, dirty prizes and naughty giveaways.


Take this day for sleeping and basking in the knowledge that you have a whole extra day of weekend yet to come. Stay out later than usual Sunday night at KGB Bar for a fiction reading with Jonathan Baumbach and Paul Mamont. Or go over to Film Forum to see Our City of Dreams, a movie about 5 female artists working in NYC. And if you’re a music nerd you should be in Greenpoint checking out the merchandise at the Brooklyn Record Riot featuring more than 35 record dealers, DJs spinning and plenty of kielbasa and Polish beer at Warsaw.


I for one hope to check out those photography exhibits I told you about recently and maybe even squeeze in another Oscar movie. If I hear about more events I’ll add them asap! Please let me know if you have anything to share!